WhiskyLeaks: Late Night Whisky Tasting with Yolgie

Who? Yolgie (JKU Linz)
Category Spaß/Kultur
Track Spaß
Present this AK (Category Default)
Reso intention?
Conflicting AKs TanzenTanz CrashkursWerwolf, Avalon, Secret Hitler, Growl & andere Social Deduction
Notes This AK can only be visited by max ~18 people Suggested starting time Friday at/around 20:00/20:30

I'm passionate for Whisky and I'd love to share this passion with some of you! I'll be holding a guided tasting of 5-7 Whiskys with lot's and lot's of background information. If you are bringing a bottle to try, please contact me (discord/matrix/inPerson/...) and I'll incorporate it into the tasting.
The tasting is open for absolut(e) beginners and whisky afficionados alike, i can promise you, there will be fun stuff to try.

When? Duration Room
Thu 20:45 - 23:15 2:30 K 112A

Possible Times

Start End
Thursday 18:00 Thursday 23:30
Friday 19:00 Friday 23:00